Sunday, November 11, 2018


Digital learning competencies are ways for teachers to integrate skills into their classroom that creates a digital learning environment. My favorite way to integrate digital learning competencies into science lessons is to use project based learning. It would be cool to allow students to use tour builder to explore the coral reef. I also like using games like kahoot to review materials. This could be used in a classroom and help with integrating DLC.

Charlotte Mecklenberg schools pathways are done based on the type of learner they are. They get to choose based on visual, tactile or auditory learner. The Newton-Conover pathways are done with differentiation and they follow the pathway that they need. I like the Charlotte-Mecklenberg way because it makes the students be more self aware about what kind of learner they are. However, I think I would end up using the Newton-Conover way in my classroom. I love the idea of differentiating based on what students need. This was everyone is getting what they need and the students are not able to pick that they just want to do something because their friends are. I think this would overall work better in my classroom.

I think the most important part is choice inside pathways. The students need that freedom in order to feel like they have responsibility for their own learning. I also think the students working at their own pace is important because no one feels rushed and they are able to get the most out of their learning. I think this pathway model is amazing and I would love to use it in my future classroom.
Image result for flexible learning

Flexible learning environment is more than just having flexible seating. It also includes flexible time. This can be done by having a block where you have to get core subjects done. With flexible learning time, teachers can choose what they feel students will learn most from at that time. If students come in and they are super interested in something they learned yesterday in math, it might be best to start with math today. If they struggled with reading yesterday, you may want to cushion that in between some areas they will be more successful in so they can feel that accomplishment before getting back to hard tasks.

Flexible learning environments can also feature flexible grouping of students. At my cooperating teacher's school they use flexible group. During a one hour reading block, the second grade team organizes students based on reading level. They go to these groups and get what they need. Students are able to move around these classrooms as their needs change throughout the year. I think this works well because they are being able to constantly change the people they are learning with. I think this helps them learn better overall.

Distance Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Why Flexible Learning Environments? (2018, August 09). Retrieved November 11, 2018, from

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