Anchor charts are a tool used for whole group instruction. They are made during a lesson to create a visual representation of what is being taught during the lesson. These charts are then left out so that students can regularly reference them.

Anchor charts allow students to help join in the lesson. Students are allowed to interact with the teacher as they move through a lesson. Students help the teacher create the chart. Anchor charts are very helpful because they allow students to understand the vocabulary and be able to use it, it allows students to have a visual that they can regularly reference in the classroom and it helps students in being able to synthesize the vast amounts of information they have learned. This can be useful for science because a lot of times students will read about something but not be able to explain it. Through the use of anchor charts students can demonstrate to the teacher that they do know what they are talking about when it comes to a science concept. The creation of this chart can help them better understand the concept because they are building the chart with the teacher. They have to consolidate their thinking into a chart and when they get stuck the teacher can guide them along since she knows the content well. They are also left on the wall as a visual. Science concepts can involve many parts, for example parts of the cell or the water system. Through the use of an anchor chart left on the wall, students could have regular exposure to the material. This can help them better retain the information.
I will use anchor charts in my science instruction. I think they are a valuable tool. The students get to help you build the visual cues that they need. They are then in a place that the students can see everyday. I think they have many valuable positives that outweigh any negatives. I feel I will most often use anchor charts in science and math. In science I think they will be super helpful when it comes to bigger science concepts with many parts. I wish my biology teacher would have made one of these when we were learning about how cells make energy. This would have been very helpful. I will definitely be using anchor charts in my future classroom.
I will use anchor charts in my science instruction. I think they are a valuable tool. The students get to help you build the visual cues that they need. They are then in a place that the students can see everyday. I think they have many valuable positives that outweigh any negatives. I feel I will most often use anchor charts in science and math. In science I think they will be super helpful when it comes to bigger science concepts with many parts. I wish my biology teacher would have made one of these when we were learning about how cells make energy. This would have been very helpful. I will definitely be using anchor charts in my future classroom.
Work Cited:
M. (2015, August 18). THE BEST ANCHOR CHART PAPER EVER & A GIVEAWAY! [Web log post]. Retrieved September 29, 2018, from http://www.teachingwithamountainview.com/2015/08/the-best-anchor-chart-paper-ever.html
Moses, E., & Lee, H. (2014). Imitate and Innovate Anchor Charts. International Reading Associations Essentials,1-15. Retrieved September 30, 2018, from http://www.literacyworldwide.org/docs/default-source/member-benefits/e-ssentials/ila-e-ssentials-8065.pdf
States of matter science anchor chart for kindergarten. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2018, from http://indulgy.com/post/2gzbEKp4b2/states-of-matter-science-anchor-chart-fo
Moses, E., & Lee, H. (2014). Imitate and Innovate Anchor Charts. International Reading Associations Essentials,1-15. Retrieved September 30, 2018, from http://www.literacyworldwide.org/docs/default-source/member-benefits/e-ssentials/ila-e-ssentials-8065.pdf
States of matter science anchor chart for kindergarten. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2018, from http://indulgy.com/post/2gzbEKp4b2/states-of-matter-science-anchor-chart-fo
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