Friday, January 26, 2018

SAMR Model: Integrating Technology into the Classroom

     The SAMR model is a model that helps teachers observe technology integration in their classroom.  The first level is substitution which is where the technology is a direct replacement for the original assignment method with no added functions.  The next level is augmentation. This is where students are using technology to complete the same task, however, in augmentation there is some kind of added functionality. The next level is modification. Here the technology completely redesigns pieces of the task. The last level is redefinition.  In this one new tasks are created that were once unimaginable. This following video helps show you what this looks like in the classroom:

       I think this model is a good one to use because it helps a teacher critique how they are using technology in their classroom.  I feel that too often teachers will just hand their students an iPad and expect magic to take place.  When I was in high school, we were often asked to take a written response test on a computer.  This was frustrating to me because it did not improve the test time at all.  We still had to wait just as long to receive our test grades back. Often time there was less feedback given back because the teacher did not want to give us time to access it on the school computers and review what she said.
    This model allows for teachers to know how they integrating the technology. Therefore, I think this will allow them to see if it is working. If they find that they are always using substitution maybe they should switch it up and occasionally try to use augmentation or modification. If the students learning begins to approve, they then know that they can aim to use more of those types of technology.
   I think this model works and can give teachers a lot of insight as to how to integrate technology into their classroom. It also allows them to observe what is working. However, I think the teacher must be active in discovering what technology is working for their class.  Technology can do amazing things in the classroom, but it only adds to the classroom when you are integrating it in an effective way.

(2017, June 11). The 4 Stages of EdTech – The SAMR Model for Technology Integration. Retrieved January 26, 2018, from
 Spencer, J. [John Spencer] (2015, November 3) What is the SAMR Model and what does it look like in schools? [Video File] Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Shelbey,

    I agree with your opinion of SAMR model because I think that it is a good way for teachers to monitor their use of technology in the classroom. I like the way you suggested that using the model can be a helpful way to self evaluate your teaching. Also, I like the way you put in a personal story to help give an example and make it relatable to the reader. It helps put a student perspective out to help other teachers know what ways technology is not effective for the student.
