Friday, December 7, 2018

Final Exam

This semester I have learned a lot of strategies that I can use in the my future classroom for science instruction. I particularly like the concepts of pathways. Pathways allow for differentiated instruction and allow students to move at their own pace. I think this will be great to use in my future classroom during centers time. I think that through the use of pathways, I can meet my work goal of having successful centers in my classroom.

Another thing I learned about this semester was science notebooking. Through this process you give students notes and interactive sheets to go on the left page of your notebook. On the other side students are allowed to do something, usually of their own creation. This is helpful because it gives students a source that they can keep and use at home. I think this will help me meet the academic goal of giving my students science resources that they are able to use to retain the information they are using in science.

I have also learned about online apps, game, and sites. Technology integration is very important along with the use of STEM or STEAM. Technology integration allows students to be prepared for the technological society that these students will grow up in. It helps them be interested in their learning and be more engaged in it. I think this will help with my future work goal of making my students interested in their learning and ready for the world that they will grow up in. These students can use this technology integration can help students be ready for future success.

The lesson planning process was difficult. The second grade standards were ones I do not have a lot of knowledge on. I used my strengths of integrating technology to help make this lesson exciting for the students. I included online sites and games as well as videos to have a technology aspect to the lesson plans. I also used my strength of science notebooking. I think this is a really successful way for students to take notes and give them a source at home. My biggest weakness was finding hands on activities for students within the animal life cycle category. I was able to overcome this through the use of playlists with are super helpful in the classroom and lead to a lot of learning taking place. Overall, I enjoyed getting to create these lesson plans because it allowed me to learn to teach the second grade science standards which I was struggling with.