I think the science experiments could not be duplicated on the computer. You could watch a video of the science experiment, you could even do an online version of the science experiment, however you cannot get the genuine experiment of being able to walk through the experiment process.
I think something that can be done with the computer is you could go on virtual field trips that you would never be able to take your students on in real life due to money or distance from you. For instance, on a unit on space you could have a virtual field trip where students explore NASA and watch a rocket launch.
I also think the computer could be used to replicate some experiments. For instance, a lot of students get squirmy at the thought of dissection. Dissection is also expensive for schools. Therefore, you could have students perform a frog dissection on the computer.
Students could be given time to play science games which could help them study for upcoming tests. It could also enhance what they are already learning.
I think the computer is a great resource to be used when it comes to enhancing learning. It can enhance learning and help give students new experiences they would otherwise not get to have.
Picture from:
Wall, M. (2018, March 23). SpaceX Rocket Launch Created Shock Wave 4 Times Larger Than California. Retrieved October 14, 2018, from https://www.space.com/40063-spacex-rocket-launch-shock-wave.html